Sunday, April 25, 2010

Building Romance

I just wanted to get this out there because it's going to be an ongoing subject I'll blog about. The Building Romance includes neighbor 203 and neighbor 102. A male and a female. Both smokers, whom I believe have increased their smoking habit just to spend more time with each other. Now you have to know this, at first, I believe it was just honestly like this "Hey! I live in 203, I'm Pablo Picasso." (puff puff) and then "Oh, hi, I'm Georgia O'Keeffe, and I just moved into 102." (puff puff). But, my roommate and I have both witnessed Picasso's arm around Georgia, which clearly suggests more than friends. I don't remember the last time my guy friend/neighbor and I sat in public and embraced while talking. Anyway, back to the romance...

See, I have just recently been lucky enough to exit the building right after Picasso does in the a.m. on the way to work. I have to pass by 102, and I noticed a note with a picture drawn all over the envelope, taped to the door. I so wanted to read what the stick men were saying, but I feared Picasso coming back into the building for his forgotten lunch sack, or Georgia just opening the door to my nosey face in her business. So I just glanced as I passed. Dang it, I wish I knew what it said! But, previously, I've seen other notes, AND and AND a fresh, single flower taped to the door. I've also opened my door to take out my dog, and Georgia was right there knocking on Picasso's door and was almost frightened and a little shame-faced to be knocking on his door. (Like I care!?)

But most recently, I've thoroughly enjoyed the "Cigarette butt drawings" that, I believe, Picasso has been creating on the back steps. I'm going to take pictures because he keeps enhancing his sketches with more details and is even now showing his sketches with different emotions. Interesting, I think. I'll share with you but the rain has washed away the old sketches. Being Picasso and all, I just let mother nature wash away millions of dollars! Me=Dummy. Oh well, I have faith that Picasso will return to sketch more with his cigarette butts!!

Peace, homies.

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