Only thing left is a blond wig. I need to get a decent one, not a big nasty matted one because that is all I seem to find. I'm going to throw on some pantyhose (yes, I know, granny!) and wear running shoes and be set. I wanted a little name tag, too...and even some "flair" for my apron, like a button that says "Sookie is MINE!" -Bill C.
Ohhh, Halloween how I love thee...it's so fun and so many people get in the spirit. I love trick or treaters, I love pumpkins, I love bonfires and hay rides, and I don't mind an occasional scare but I can't get bold enough to say I "love" haunted houses. Ugh..no. Never. That's like saying I love to eat *$@%. NEVER!
Well, happy haunting to all of you....please feel free to share your costume choices for Halloween 2010!
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