Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Love in my life

His name is Kirby, he's about 14 or 15 inches tall, 20 pounds, black and white and the cutest thing I've ever seen! Kirby is a French Bulldog and Boston Terrier mix and came to me from a Rescue about an hour away. Here is his story...

This is the picture I saw on Petfinder and thought "oh those ears and that chubby little body!" But wait, is the situation. It was mid to end of April and I was trying to plan for my summer and getting a puppy to train while I was off of work. I had called on a Friday to the Boston breeder nearby and found out the mama was pregnant with pups so I was excited to hear my potential pup was being made! Then, the next day, I was waiting for a friend to show up to head out on the town, and while I waited, I searched Petfinder. I found Kirby, called "Frenchie" on the site, and immediately sent an email and my application. The next morning I received an email saying she received my app and she'd be in touch with the calls to my landlord, etc. After not hearing for another day or 2, I didn't want this opportunity to slip away so I emailed her and told her all the reasons I should be this puppy's new mom and had to brag on myself--which is always hard and embarrassing--but I knew it had to be done so I was a frontrunner.

That Thursday, Peg called me (but I was teaching) and left a voicemail. I listened to it on my break and almost cried! I got a little teary eyed because I was so excited to hear that she chose ME for Frenchie! It was such great news! A student of mine and my student teacher were in there with me and I was screaming, or just celebrating loudly, and they were so excited to hear what news I got. Peg said when she read my application (out of 60 received!!!), she just knew I was the one.

I kept in touch with Peg and she said he was to be neutered Monday and I would get him Thursday. I immediately puppy-proofed and went out and got the things I thought a puppy would want.
Peg then called to say "He's really doing fine in recovery, I'll just bring him up Tuesday!" So I was even more excited! They showed up Tuesday and the minute he got out of the car I was in love! He immediately flipped to his back and wanted his big belly rubbed! I, of course, obliged and just loved him! We came inside to do paperwork and move him in, and show him his new home.
Do you think he settled right in and knew this was his home?

By the way, he hasn't laid in that bed since the first night when this picture was taken...he is probably thinking "that is for dogs!" and chooses my couch, recliner, or bed to sleep on. For example, this is his new favorite spot he just discovered days ago...
He's just so stinkin' cute I can't get over it! He had a few faux pas to overcome, such as he thoroughly enjoyed having his own feces for a snack, but only if he did it inside. Then, that was all done in secret and I'd only know he had eaten the evidence because it smelled horribly and so did his breath! That was gross but I think he's outgrown it now, PLEASE Lord. He also had one night where I awoke an hour early because of a nightmare, so he was up, then I went back to sleep and when I woke up for the morning cuddling, my feet discovered a cool wetness on the sheets. He had pottied a spot on my beautiful and expensive Anthropologie comforter the size of a car tire, which soaked through both sheets, the mattress pad and into the mattress itself. UGH! But I forgave him and soaked it all with soapy water and it's fine. :) How can you not forgive this face?

In the days following, Kirby received several gifts from his loved ones. Treats and toys galore! And I'm being serious, he LOVES every toy he has! He loves to chew on the chew toys, but then loves to chew a squeaky one and throw it around and chase it. I am so thankful, so blessed, and so happy this little boy came into my life! I've never loved an animal so much because he is just the sweetest, cuddliest, best puppy!! I can't say it enough.

I forgot to mention the most unbelievable part of his story. This little boy, they assume, was born right around Christmas or the first of the year, so he's now about 6 months old. He was in a kill shelter for around 2 weeks in the South, like Mississippi or Alabama, and no one even took him! I mean, a CUTE PUPPY in a kill shelter?!?! FOR 2 WEEKS?!?! And no takers?!?! Now I know it's because he was just waiting to come home to me, his real home. I love Kirby, he's come at the perfect time in my life and I just love him! (Did I mention I love this dog?!)

Ha ha...this cracks me up! My friend and her baby came to visit and Kirby wanted to be as close to her as he could be, but this time, he was just sitting....WAITING to get up there near her! My friend took a pic when he got up there and was laying directly next to her. He's also wearing his fashionable "party" bandana! Why not?!

And to end the story, this is a picture of a box of blank cards my sister bought me for Christmas this past year, right when Kirby was being born, and got it because she knew I loved French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, and especially a combo of both. How perfect is this? It looks like him!

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