This was just a year ago for my big 3-0! This year, the group may differ slightly, but no matter what, I'll be with my pals! Thanks to all of you who make me get out and celebrate! See....birthdays to me are just another day, but a day you feel a little special because of the attention you get. No, I have never EVER been a big attention-seeker and would never throw my own big bash because I don't expect my birthday to be a celebration for anyone else. I'm telling you...Facebook hit the nail on the head when they included birthday reminders because it makes the birthday girl (or boy) feel so special and loved on that great day of birth!
This year, I'm thinking how awesome is it that ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) is playing at the Rathskeller on my birthday?! Let me paint you a visual picture of the Rathskeller if you don't know what it is...
A quaint outdoor stage surrounded with a shell and cool decor hanging from the roof. picnic tables all over a rock bottom, fenced in garden of AWESOMENESS with good beer and food! Probably the best outdoor arena for a band. Not to mention, ALO is pretty big. They aren't locals, so I'm super pumped they're here and on my bday. I feel bad asking people to join us there because it's a $10 cover and I don't want anyone to think "Jeez...she's wanting us to join her to celebrate, but we have to pay $10 just to get in!" Oh well, I'm sorry people. For reals. I'm excited! Out of school, turning 31, summer starting, good tunes, good bevs, and another full day of drinking on Friday! Thank you thank you thank you! Happy Birthday to me.
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