So...I've been introduced to a new author and his book. TUCKER MAX. I will say I am VERY glad I was introduced to him and his book because he is my exact nightmare. I mean, this book was HILARIOUS. Appropriate? No, not for young audiences. And maybe not for adult audiences who take themselves too seriously. I mean, this book was so raunchy and rude that I couldn't help but fall in love with it! I want to read it again because it's unbelievably true....let me fill you in with a little "review".
Tucker is a male who likes to have fun. Fun, including excessive amounts of ANY alcohol, and then mix in any surrounding female (0-5 star). Tucker likes to have "fun" by doing ridiculous things in public, humiliating himself and others, and then STILL finding a girl to hook up with him, which always has an entertaining story to follow. I mean, puking down the edge of the bed against the wall while the hook up of the night is in her bathroom is just one example.
I couldn't help but think of a guy I know who is a great friend of my friend. He IS Tucker Max, or just went to Tucker Max University. I called him Sunday while reading it and said "I'm reading a book that I can't help but think of you EVERY TIME I open it." With only saying that, he replied "Is it I hope they serve beer in hell??" With which we both belly laughed for a few minutes! He already knew! He said "Well, I take it as a compliment. And actually, I'm a little pissed he beat me to it!" I'm still working on a title for his book because he has entirely too many stories to NOT share with the world! We need to laugh!
Oh, so why is he my exact nightmare? Because I always fear meeting a guy who seems really cool, sarcastic, funny, personable, and smart (all wonderful things) but not knowing he is the biggest man-slut there is...and one who makes it his personal goal to get better at! (Sorry, ended with a preposition.) I like to think I'm a great judge of character, but you know, we all are fooled at some point and it's not fun when it's a guy you may be into. (Preposition AGAIN!)
Anyway, my review is 5 stars. It's completely entertaining, as any book should be, it doesn't lack a hook, and there were NO typos in the entire thing! As I said, it's raunchy and rude and if you take yourself seriously, you don't want to read this because you'll then be mad at yourself for liking it!
You can get the book for a cheap price (unless you know me, you can borrow for free!), or you can visit www.tuckermax.com and get plenty of stories!
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