The rules of this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award & place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Share 10 things about yourself.
5. Nominate 10 of your favorite bloggers for the award.
6. Post links to the blogs you nominate.
Well, here goes....my first "award" from Amy at Our Happy Married Life, and don't ask me how to make her blog a link because I don't know! Anyway, thanks Amy for giving me this award for being a new blogger. Problem is, I can't nominate 10 of my favorite bloggers because I don't even know TEN bloggers period!! But I can easily tell ten things about me me ME! Listen up...
1. I think I'm addicted (in a good way) to the sun. I just love it. It makes me happy and I feel so good soaking it up. It makes everything better, let's admit it, no matter how HOT it gets...we all pray for sun for special occasions, especially outdoor occasions. I just love it and crave it year-round.
2. When I'm painting, I'm at my most relaxed and stress-free state. I am also seemingly the happiest (probably because of the aforementioned state!). I don't know what it is, but I love it and wish I could do it all the time. I love making people happy with the result, and I love looking at it and feeling I did a good job.
3. I love avocados! Like the sun, they just make me happy and make me feel good. During my Texas trip 2 years ago, everything I ate had avocados in it...it was weird, I finally noticed "Oh my...everything that I have ordered to eat was picked because of the avocado ingredient!" Yum!
4. I love animals, but sometimes it may not appear that way when I'm dealing with Tana, my French Bulldog. You know, I love the little pig and we cuddle plenty, but when people come over, it brings out a devil in me because I can't stand that she is so mean! But, I had a friend come by yesterday with 2 puppies and they were adorable and Tana loved them. Now I know I can get a new Frenchie and Tana will be ok. (case in point...Tana just went into attack-mode because someone came over!)
5. My fave music is chill-lax, jammin' on a guitar and just putting soul into the song. Such as: Amos Lee, Needtobreathe, Jason Mraz, etc. But I love me some old 90's Rap! (Thank you, Codie)
6. I want to decorate my apartment like the Creation Cafe (here in Indy). I don't like matchy matchy rooms, I like different patterns and stuff to accent each other. I like to combine stuff and make my own style.
7. I don't like when my feet touch weird stuff when they're wet. I can't stand the thought of putting them on the ocean's floor and not knowing what they're touching. Just the same, I have to step on a bath mat (a special towel made for getting out of the shower/bath), and hate when rugs are my only option at other people's houses.
8. I'm in search of THE BEST PILLOW and I'll take 2! Let me know if you have already found it.
9. I'm a sleeper. I can do it any time any where, and without a problem. It may be my best talent.
10. I think it's weird we have middle names. In no way would I ever be called by it because I'm clearly an "Allison", so it's weird to me to think part of my name is something I NEVER EVER go by or even relate to. Strange. But really, what is the purpose?
Nominations: I can't even begin!! Why set myself up for failure when I know I won't succeed!?
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