Monday, June 20, 2011

So over it

What is this rule that we are supposed to love family no matter what and always keep them close and protected? No. I don't think so. Yes, I think so for those who you love and those who need your support and help and are at least respectful, but heck no to those black sheep family members who embarrass you, disgust you, and totally disrespect and take full advantage of you. I'm over it. OVER it.

Why should I--a hardworking, responsible, self-sufficient person--have to carry the weight of one of my family member's mistakes and conscious BAD decisions?! I shouldn't. I have made my own decisions, be those good or bad at times, and dealt with the consequences or reaped the benefits--mostly I can safely say, I've been able to reap! :) So why should I have to continue to be screwed over because it's "family?" I'm not and I'm stopping it tonight.

Then, as I tell this person I'm done and no longer allowing them to walk all over me, they seriously have the nerve to ask how they screwed me over? That saddens me. Really, you don't know? You don't remember the bill in my name that you racked up to $1700 and is sitting in a debt collector's office? Not fair...not fair that my credit risks being affected from me trying to help my family out. I just shake my head in disbelief because I don't know what has happened to this person. But I do know that I'm done dealing with it and done being treated like doo doo. :)

Ahhhh, writing is liberating!

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