Ok, so I'm sitting here, enjoying the weather in the 70's, back from a long weekend away, and I see this commercial....
"Text COUPLE to 21222" (or some number like that) and I swear it said this is what will happen:
"An expert will analyze your name and tell you your perfect match!" For real?
Also, it was $1.99 or (OR.....OR!!!!) $9.99 a month! Ok, so an expert Love Coach is going to analyze my name to tell me my future and best mate on the initial text, so why a monthly membership?! Ohhhh, what will they think of next?! Maybe something as ridiculous as 2 vampires making hateful love while the male twists the female's head 180 degrees during the love-making....nah, that'll never make telelvision. ;)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Not so much "Music to my ears"
You know what I can't stand? Well, a lot of things, let's be honest. As I type, one huge thing that I can't stand is when my dog gets obsessive about licking the CARPET the WOOL CARPET (well, rug). She licks so much that she gets herself right into a licking trance. So annoying, and she doesn't need to do it. Not only will she lick the wool rug, she'll lick any textile....her bed, the couch, a blanket nearby (which there never is b/c of this reason alone!)....it's gross. If I don't catch her right away, I'll see her bed later and it's soaked! Eww.
Anyway, something that seems like it should be "music to my ears" since it is indeed MUSIC, rather, it is NOT music to my ears is when people walk around with their cell phones on speaker to play the mp3 part of their phone! So, it's like their own personal radio but on BLAST so everyone around can (wrong word, HAS) to hear. A coworker friend of mine sometimes walks into the building in the morning with her phone blasting some song that is not my favorite :), and I call her out "Look, not everyone wants to hear that loud music at 7:45 am...that's what they make headphones for!" Now yes, I'm joking with her by exaggerating it, but I'm sure nuf making my point! She laughs and has some remark but then silences it. Maybe for a gift I'll buy her a pair of headphones because yes, I can hear her music waaaaaay down the hallway on many mornings.
So, I was on my way to Chicago a couple weeks ago. We stop at Arby's, and I go into the bathroom. I'm not lying...let me back up. First, as enter the parking lot, a huge Suburban has its front wheels up on the sidewalk/entrance to the building. Ridiculous...I should've taken a picture. I go into the bathroom and I hear offensively loud and not good music playing, I just assumed it was the overhead speakers. Nope. The girl next to me had her purse on the ground (disgusting) and had her cell phone blaring a song. I guess I don't get it. I love love love music, but can I go to the bathroom and grab some onion rings at Arby's without having it join me? Of course. So as I go to order the aforementioned onion rings, I got to see who belonged to the Suburban on the front step. There was a pizza party yes PIZZA (Little Caesar's to be exact) in the front part of the restaurant, complete with Walmart cupcakes. What part of this party was Arby's profiting from? Who knows. We got our grub and scrammed.
Moral...please, for the (non)listening pleasure of others, and for the sake of your ears to hear that music for years to come, turn....it.....down, dang! Or get headphones. Awesome, dude!
Anyway, something that seems like it should be "music to my ears" since it is indeed MUSIC, rather, it is NOT music to my ears is when people walk around with their cell phones on speaker to play the mp3 part of their phone! So, it's like their own personal radio but on BLAST so everyone around can (wrong word, HAS) to hear. A coworker friend of mine sometimes walks into the building in the morning with her phone blasting some song that is not my favorite :), and I call her out "Look, not everyone wants to hear that loud music at 7:45 am...that's what they make headphones for!" Now yes, I'm joking with her by exaggerating it, but I'm sure nuf making my point! She laughs and has some remark but then silences it. Maybe for a gift I'll buy her a pair of headphones because yes, I can hear her music waaaaaay down the hallway on many mornings.
So, I was on my way to Chicago a couple weeks ago. We stop at Arby's, and I go into the bathroom. I'm not lying...let me back up. First, as enter the parking lot, a huge Suburban has its front wheels up on the sidewalk/entrance to the building. Ridiculous...I should've taken a picture. I go into the bathroom and I hear offensively loud and not good music playing, I just assumed it was the overhead speakers. Nope. The girl next to me had her purse on the ground (disgusting) and had her cell phone blaring a song. I guess I don't get it. I love love love music, but can I go to the bathroom and grab some onion rings at Arby's without having it join me? Of course. So as I go to order the aforementioned onion rings, I got to see who belonged to the Suburban on the front step. There was a pizza party yes PIZZA (Little Caesar's to be exact) in the front part of the restaurant, complete with Walmart cupcakes. What part of this party was Arby's profiting from? Who knows. We got our grub and scrammed.
Moral...please, for the (non)listening pleasure of others, and for the sake of your ears to hear that music for years to come, turn....it.....down, dang! Or get headphones. Awesome, dude!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
DANG I'm sweaty!

Thanks to this little lady...
Dang she is good! If you don't know who she is or you can say "Oh yeah, she's from The Biggest Loser" then you don't know her enough. Check out the 30-Day Shred, THEN you'll really know Jillian Michaels.
See, I don't really know a lot about Jillian's resume, but I heard her say she used to do some type of agent work for others, then opened a gym or something and a former client from the agency had a hook-up when TBL was being thought of, so she got referred and now she is a huge star. That's usually how it works for the biz...it's all about who you know! I don't hate on it, I love on it...I think it's awesome to network and get referrals based on WHO you are because it's more genuine. Anyway, Jillian is my workout guru.
Last year, in January, I was feeling a bit cushioned by some extra "lbs" and made it my personal mission; I actually called it "MISSION: SHED 8" by the end of the month. I stuck to that (even through an illness spell) and I easily shed the 8 and even a couple extra. Of course, I changed my eating habits SLIGHTLY, just by cutting out some major carbs and white potatoes PERIOD. But, I know what I like to eat and I can't just permanently cut out cookies and cake and candy (the 3 awful yet wonderful C's), so I just did some moderation. My punishment if I hadn't shed the 8 was to not be able to drink diet pepsi at all til I lost the weight. It felt wonderful. I felt re-energized and loved my clothes just being more comfortable. I even had some jeans that were too big just because of a 20 minute daily workout and a few slight eating changes.
Yes, change is hard, but I'm telling you...this workout (30-Day Shred) WORKS! I get so bored at the gym or other videos, but this one is short and sweet...to the point! She doesn't let you rest, but changes everything up in the 3 circuits so you're doing short things and she's keeping you interested. I love being active and not feeling like it's a workout, so this is perfect. I highly recommend it, especially if you don't have a ton of time and want to shed some poundage and gain some muscle. I just completed day 4 and feel awesome..I actually think I'm going to do it again tonight! Double it up! It's great and makes me sweat like a piggy (and I'm not a sweater, well I mean a person who sweats, not a wool garment we wear in winter!).

Get this workout, it's cheap and completely effective! And stick to it. It's THIRTY DAYS, people, you can do it and you'll be happy you did.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Honest Scrap Award

The rules of this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award & place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Share 10 things about yourself.
5. Nominate 10 of your favorite bloggers for the award.
6. Post links to the blogs you nominate.
Well, here goes....my first "award" from Amy at Our Happy Married Life, and don't ask me how to make her blog a link because I don't know! Anyway, thanks Amy for giving me this award for being a new blogger. Problem is, I can't nominate 10 of my favorite bloggers because I don't even know TEN bloggers period!! But I can easily tell ten things about me me ME! Listen up...
1. I think I'm addicted (in a good way) to the sun. I just love it. It makes me happy and I feel so good soaking it up. It makes everything better, let's admit it, no matter how HOT it gets...we all pray for sun for special occasions, especially outdoor occasions. I just love it and crave it year-round.
2. When I'm painting, I'm at my most relaxed and stress-free state. I am also seemingly the happiest (probably because of the aforementioned state!). I don't know what it is, but I love it and wish I could do it all the time. I love making people happy with the result, and I love looking at it and feeling I did a good job.
3. I love avocados! Like the sun, they just make me happy and make me feel good. During my Texas trip 2 years ago, everything I ate had avocados in it...it was weird, I finally noticed "Oh my...everything that I have ordered to eat was picked because of the avocado ingredient!" Yum!
4. I love animals, but sometimes it may not appear that way when I'm dealing with Tana, my French Bulldog. You know, I love the little pig and we cuddle plenty, but when people come over, it brings out a devil in me because I can't stand that she is so mean! But, I had a friend come by yesterday with 2 puppies and they were adorable and Tana loved them. Now I know I can get a new Frenchie and Tana will be ok. (case in point...Tana just went into attack-mode because someone came over!)
5. My fave music is chill-lax, jammin' on a guitar and just putting soul into the song. Such as: Amos Lee, Needtobreathe, Jason Mraz, etc. But I love me some old 90's Rap! (Thank you, Codie)
6. I want to decorate my apartment like the Creation Cafe (here in Indy). I don't like matchy matchy rooms, I like different patterns and stuff to accent each other. I like to combine stuff and make my own style.
7. I don't like when my feet touch weird stuff when they're wet. I can't stand the thought of putting them on the ocean's floor and not knowing what they're touching. Just the same, I have to step on a bath mat (a special towel made for getting out of the shower/bath), and hate when rugs are my only option at other people's houses.
8. I'm in search of THE BEST PILLOW and I'll take 2! Let me know if you have already found it.
9. I'm a sleeper. I can do it any time any where, and without a problem. It may be my best talent.
10. I think it's weird we have middle names. In no way would I ever be called by it because I'm clearly an "Allison", so it's weird to me to think part of my name is something I NEVER EVER go by or even relate to. Strange. But really, what is the purpose?
Nominations: I can't even begin!! Why set myself up for failure when I know I won't succeed!?
Monday, June 14, 2010
What a Dang Deal!

Folks, if you have never ventured into Aldi for any reason, DO IT! This store is amazing. No, there really aren't "brands" here, but the quality of the food is just the same. Now I will proceed to tell you what all I got... (stay tuned for the grand total at the end!)
28 pack of water
2 pkgs Breakfast Sausage links
2 pkgs cream cheese
Cocktail crackers
Baked Beans
Oat Bran Bread
PB Cup Cookie Dough
Raspberry Bars Mix
Lip Balm 3 pk
Moist wipes (for the dog!!)
Sweet Corn (4 ears peeled)
Whole Kernel Corn (can)
Scalloped Potatoes mix
Blue Tortilla Chips
Kettle Chips
Turkey Tenderloin (marinated and had 2 in it!)
Pasta salad mix
pack of 3 zucchini
Pizza (this is like Papa Murphy's style)
Skim milk (gallon)
Grand Total: $51.34
Are you serious?!?! How is this even legal? I mean, it's wonderful and I love it, but I just can't believe it! I was so happy. Now, if after reading this you absolutely cannot WAIT to get to Aldi, well, it's currently closed because it's 10:30, but it'll be open tomorrow. Aldi is a no-frills store, which I am a fan of, so don't forget your quarter to unlock and "rent" the cart while you shop (but you lock it back up and get your quarter back! Awesome!)....and, bring your own bags, like the reusable ones, because then you will have to pay 10 cents or so for Aldi ones. UNLESS...you use one of their empty food boxes from the shelf, then you just pack your groceries in there and load in your car! It sounds simple, and it is. Go out and experience ALDI!!! (You'll still want to hit up Kroger or Marsh for your Diet Pepsi though)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Road Trippin'
It's amazing what you think about when you are road trippin' and becoming delirious while doing so for nine hours, or even 6. We set out on a road trip for a dear friend's wedding in Minnesota, and all I kept thinking is "if I were home, I could do this and that and then this," because nine hours is a long time. You catch yourself reminiscing and thinking of all kinds of things, it's crazy! This road trip took me back to fall of 1998 when I went to Winona State University in Winona, MN for a brief semester. It's funny how things just come rushing back into your head after 12 years (almost 12 years!). I remembered the scenery, the cities, the roads...it's like it was just stored in this little vault somewhere in my brain and it hadn't been accessed for a long time. BUT, it was just as good as new!
9 hours...for some, that is a work day. For others, that is a night's worth of sleep. For me, at different times in the year, it's both. Now, it's my sleep! I wanted to sleep and read, and barely did either. Oh, and how ironic, the song "Road Trippin'" by Red Hot Chili Peppers came up on the shuffle on my ipod so I had to show it some respect and play it out. Ya know, it's funny, we listened to the shuffle on my ipod the entire trip (until Jodi drove and only played country), and I have 2346 songs on my ipod. That's unreal! Now, yes, there are SEVERAL I don't really know and several I hate (like the dang Grease soundtrack!!), but I think of it as my own juke box so you gotta take the good with the bad.
Rochester, Minnesota....hmm, not too much to brag on there. Pretty much like a Danville, IL in Minnesota! However, we ate dinner Friday at an awesome place=Pescara. Had fab wine, lobster bisque, and a green apple and bleu cheese salad. Dee-lish! Hopefully you NEVER have to travel to Mayo Hospital, but if you do, check out Pescara.
I'm happy to be home, but I'm not really happy that my car's engine light popped up around Chicago. Grrr. I'm telling you...that VW Passat is starting to really drive me bon-KERS! I loved my last Passat, til it was totaled, I replaced it with a newer model, and nothing but lights lights lights pop up on that dash! Luckily, the warranty covers it, but still...it's annoying. At least the V-dub carried us safely, and I'm home in the Cuddler ready to watch the season premiere of True Blood. Oh, life is good....life IS GOOD!
9 hours...for some, that is a work day. For others, that is a night's worth of sleep. For me, at different times in the year, it's both. Now, it's my sleep! I wanted to sleep and read, and barely did either. Oh, and how ironic, the song "Road Trippin'" by Red Hot Chili Peppers came up on the shuffle on my ipod so I had to show it some respect and play it out. Ya know, it's funny, we listened to the shuffle on my ipod the entire trip (until Jodi drove and only played country), and I have 2346 songs on my ipod. That's unreal! Now, yes, there are SEVERAL I don't really know and several I hate (like the dang Grease soundtrack!!), but I think of it as my own juke box so you gotta take the good with the bad.
Rochester, Minnesota....hmm, not too much to brag on there. Pretty much like a Danville, IL in Minnesota! However, we ate dinner Friday at an awesome place=Pescara. Had fab wine, lobster bisque, and a green apple and bleu cheese salad. Dee-lish! Hopefully you NEVER have to travel to Mayo Hospital, but if you do, check out Pescara.
I'm happy to be home, but I'm not really happy that my car's engine light popped up around Chicago. Grrr. I'm telling you...that VW Passat is starting to really drive me bon-KERS! I loved my last Passat, til it was totaled, I replaced it with a newer model, and nothing but lights lights lights pop up on that dash! Luckily, the warranty covers it, but still...it's annoying. At least the V-dub carried us safely, and I'm home in the Cuddler ready to watch the season premiere of True Blood. Oh, life is good....life IS GOOD!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Do you believe in the 'F' word? (note: there are many notes)
Ok, so not THE 'F' word we all thought of as soon as we read the title, however, I DO frequently use that word in my everyday conversations. I'm talking about F-A-T-E. Do you believe in Fate? Here's my dilemma...I'm a gemini, so this is probably why I am about to explain the strange stance I have on the fate issue. (note: geminis are twins and see both sides of situations and have a hard time making a decision since they "sit the fence" a lot.)
Fate. Well, to me, I have always believed that everything DEFINITELY happens for a reason, reason being known to God and only God, and possibly me one day, IF I ever solve the mystery. I'm very into puzzles. I want to solve mind puzzles and challenge my brain all the time. (note: Just so you know, I've done IQ tests online and I'm by far a genius. Just sayin...because everything on the internet is TRUE and would never LIE to me.) So, being a genius and all, I really like to figure out whatever is thrown at me; God likes to throw all kinds of curve balls, and God....I HAVE NEVER BEEN A CATCHER IN MY SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL YEARS, but I did play a mean second base and swept UP that field! ;) (But now I coach....I remember a quote "those who can't play, coach." Ouch!) Wow, big tangent, back to the issue at hand: FATE.
Anyway, what I'm saying is, yes, I believe in God having a plan for me and when I quit trying to guide my life, I will fall into the plan and it will all work out. BUT, and this is a big BUT (not a big BUTT), what if part of my "plan" (God's plan) is the whole mystery mind game to get TO my plan? Hmm...deep, huh? I mean, really, what if God is giving me exactly what I want and saying "Here, child, take another mind game today, because I'm not ready to have you figure out your plan yet. God bless." I know God is patient, God is kind, God shall not want..oh wait, that is LOVE! God.....Love....same difference. (note: Which brings me to another small thing..."same difference"? What in the?! I hate that saying. It's the same yet different, and blah blah..it's dumb, period.) Anyway, God doesn't play games, and if he does, they aren't referred to as "games". Rather, lessons, I'd like to believe. So then, riddle me this....
If everything IS planned out for me, then does it matter what I do today? I mean, heck, if my plan is to get married to a great man and have four kids (please not four), then why am I out dating and meeting guys? Does it matter that I'm even putting an effort in this if God has it all figured out for me? It's like, I could just sit at home and be lazy and not try at ANYTHING because "God's got it figured out for me already...my plan is already made!" And no, I don't feel this is true but I definitely see a lot of truth in the statement. Because if I had never started painting, I would have never started making money and started a business of it! If I had sat at home and not painted, paintings (done BY ME) would have never fallen into my lap and brought me a profit. So I get really confused and it's an answer I can never get. I can ask a priest/minister, but they will tell me THEIR belief...they didn't know God in His day and hear and see the answer I seek with their own eyes, so it's all just a thought and belief in my head.
Frustrating....Dang. But, either way, I believe in fate because it's a comfort to believe God DOES have a plan for me and as long as I keep snooping around, I'm liable to sniff out my path and get on with God's plan. So, do I believe in the 'F' word? Yep. Unless I come across an IQ test online (because, remember, they DO NOT lie), that tells me differently.
Fate. Well, to me, I have always believed that everything DEFINITELY happens for a reason, reason being known to God and only God, and possibly me one day, IF I ever solve the mystery. I'm very into puzzles. I want to solve mind puzzles and challenge my brain all the time. (note: Just so you know, I've done IQ tests online and I'm by far a genius. Just sayin...because everything on the internet is TRUE and would never LIE to me.) So, being a genius and all, I really like to figure out whatever is thrown at me; God likes to throw all kinds of curve balls, and God....I HAVE NEVER BEEN A CATCHER IN MY SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL YEARS, but I did play a mean second base and swept UP that field! ;) (But now I coach....I remember a quote "those who can't play, coach." Ouch!) Wow, big tangent, back to the issue at hand: FATE.
Anyway, what I'm saying is, yes, I believe in God having a plan for me and when I quit trying to guide my life, I will fall into the plan and it will all work out. BUT, and this is a big BUT (not a big BUTT), what if part of my "plan" (God's plan) is the whole mystery mind game to get TO my plan? Hmm...deep, huh? I mean, really, what if God is giving me exactly what I want and saying "Here, child, take another mind game today, because I'm not ready to have you figure out your plan yet. God bless." I know God is patient, God is kind, God shall not want..oh wait, that is LOVE! God.....Love....same difference. (note: Which brings me to another small thing..."same difference"? What in the?! I hate that saying. It's the same yet different, and blah blah..it's dumb, period.) Anyway, God doesn't play games, and if he does, they aren't referred to as "games". Rather, lessons, I'd like to believe. So then, riddle me this....
If everything IS planned out for me, then does it matter what I do today? I mean, heck, if my plan is to get married to a great man and have four kids (please not four), then why am I out dating and meeting guys? Does it matter that I'm even putting an effort in this if God has it all figured out for me? It's like, I could just sit at home and be lazy and not try at ANYTHING because "God's got it figured out for me already...my plan is already made!" And no, I don't feel this is true but I definitely see a lot of truth in the statement. Because if I had never started painting, I would have never started making money and started a business of it! If I had sat at home and not painted, paintings (done BY ME) would have never fallen into my lap and brought me a profit. So I get really confused and it's an answer I can never get. I can ask a priest/minister, but they will tell me THEIR belief...they didn't know God in His day and hear and see the answer I seek with their own eyes, so it's all just a thought and belief in my head.
Frustrating....Dang. But, either way, I believe in fate because it's a comfort to believe God DOES have a plan for me and as long as I keep snooping around, I'm liable to sniff out my path and get on with God's plan. So, do I believe in the 'F' word? Yep. Unless I come across an IQ test online (because, remember, they DO NOT lie), that tells me differently.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Did I mention...
I love summer. There it is...I LOVE SUMMER. Yes, I admitted and even used the word "love" since that doesn't come easily for me. And I meant it. I love the sun, and how it burns me and makes me feel so good (while using an spf of around 8), and how it transforms my mood. Truly...it does! Maybe it's all those vitamins the rays are shooting into me, but maybe it's because I'm extremely relaxed and able to just "be". It's rare that anyone gets to just BE. Usually we are all too busy thinking to truly relax and just enjoy the moments at that time. I know I am very guilty of not relaxing, hence the reason heads were about to roll in my classroom in the past month. And hence the reason I was about to go to the doctor and say "HELP ME! GIVE ME PATIENCE PILLS!!" But the rational part of me said to myself "Honey...school is out in a few days. Take a week and see if you still feel like rolling heads. Come on now...be rational." :) That may not have been the exact convo, in fact, I know it wasn't. The real one would have been censored and not made much sense after being censored! Hey, that's my style...cuss words let me express my anger best! I love cuss words...look! There I go again, using the L word...I used it twice in a few minutes! Most I've used that word in, well, a year???!! But who's counting!

I want this comforter from Anthropologie. It's amazingly soft, not to mention, it has the cute "chic" design with just enough girlie-ness and sophistication...AND COMFORT! It's so great. It's made of jersey cotton so you know it's awesome. Every time (for the past two years or so) that I've entered an Anthropologie store, I can't wait to get to the bedding section to feel this comforter. It's simply heaven on a bed. I looked at the price and immediately knew it was only going to be something I dream about, kinda like Eddie Cibrian. Until my art business started getting bigger. I was trying to justify buying a $248.00 comforter, then I realized "Duh, your birthday is coming up! Ask for gift cards!!" So I did. I posted on Facebook and put a link to the site. Now, I can buy it and pay only $50 or so and feel great about it. Thanks family and friends.
and here's a pic of Eddie Cibrian just so you have a visual of what I dream about...

I'm super pumped about Needtobreathe (and Train) coming to town AGAIN this August! How rad! Needtobreathe is my new fave music group. They are bad a$$ and I just really really really like them. :) Check them out, they're amazing. And the week of my birthday, I received a free t-shirt from the fan club. CHEEZ :D
I want this comforter from Anthropologie. It's amazingly soft, not to mention, it has the cute "chic" design with just enough girlie-ness and sophistication...AND COMFORT! It's so great. It's made of jersey cotton so you know it's awesome. Every time (for the past two years or so) that I've entered an Anthropologie store, I can't wait to get to the bedding section to feel this comforter. It's simply heaven on a bed. I looked at the price and immediately knew it was only going to be something I dream about, kinda like Eddie Cibrian. Until my art business started getting bigger. I was trying to justify buying a $248.00 comforter, then I realized "Duh, your birthday is coming up! Ask for gift cards!!" So I did. I posted on Facebook and put a link to the site. Now, I can buy it and pay only $50 or so and feel great about it. Thanks family and friends.
and here's a pic of Eddie Cibrian just so you have a visual of what I dream about...

I'm super pumped about Needtobreathe (and Train) coming to town AGAIN this August! How rad! Needtobreathe is my new fave music group. They are bad a$$ and I just really really really like them. :) Check them out, they're amazing. And the week of my birthday, I received a free t-shirt from the fan club. CHEEZ :D
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I hope they serve beer in hell...

So...I've been introduced to a new author and his book. TUCKER MAX. I will say I am VERY glad I was introduced to him and his book because he is my exact nightmare. I mean, this book was HILARIOUS. Appropriate? No, not for young audiences. And maybe not for adult audiences who take themselves too seriously. I mean, this book was so raunchy and rude that I couldn't help but fall in love with it! I want to read it again because it's unbelievably true....let me fill you in with a little "review".
Tucker is a male who likes to have fun. Fun, including excessive amounts of ANY alcohol, and then mix in any surrounding female (0-5 star). Tucker likes to have "fun" by doing ridiculous things in public, humiliating himself and others, and then STILL finding a girl to hook up with him, which always has an entertaining story to follow. I mean, puking down the edge of the bed against the wall while the hook up of the night is in her bathroom is just one example.
I couldn't help but think of a guy I know who is a great friend of my friend. He IS Tucker Max, or just went to Tucker Max University. I called him Sunday while reading it and said "I'm reading a book that I can't help but think of you EVERY TIME I open it." With only saying that, he replied "Is it I hope they serve beer in hell??" With which we both belly laughed for a few minutes! He already knew! He said "Well, I take it as a compliment. And actually, I'm a little pissed he beat me to it!" I'm still working on a title for his book because he has entirely too many stories to NOT share with the world! We need to laugh!
Oh, so why is he my exact nightmare? Because I always fear meeting a guy who seems really cool, sarcastic, funny, personable, and smart (all wonderful things) but not knowing he is the biggest man-slut there is...and one who makes it his personal goal to get better at! (Sorry, ended with a preposition.) I like to think I'm a great judge of character, but you know, we all are fooled at some point and it's not fun when it's a guy you may be into. (Preposition AGAIN!)
Anyway, my review is 5 stars. It's completely entertaining, as any book should be, it doesn't lack a hook, and there were NO typos in the entire thing! As I said, it's raunchy and rude and if you take yourself seriously, you don't want to read this because you'll then be mad at yourself for liking it!
You can get the book for a cheap price (unless you know me, you can borrow for free!), or you can visit www.tuckermax.com and get plenty of stories!
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