Folks, if you have never ventured into Aldi for any reason, DO IT! This store is amazing. No, there really aren't "brands" here, but the quality of the food is just the same. Now I will proceed to tell you what all I got... (stay tuned for the grand total at the end!)
28 pack of water
2 pkgs Breakfast Sausage links
2 pkgs cream cheese
Cocktail crackers
Baked Beans
Oat Bran Bread
PB Cup Cookie Dough
Raspberry Bars Mix
Lip Balm 3 pk
Moist wipes (for the dog!!)
Sweet Corn (4 ears peeled)
Whole Kernel Corn (can)
Scalloped Potatoes mix
Blue Tortilla Chips
Kettle Chips
Turkey Tenderloin (marinated and had 2 in it!)
Pasta salad mix
pack of 3 zucchini
Pizza (this is like Papa Murphy's style)
Skim milk (gallon)
Grand Total: $51.34
Are you serious?!?! How is this even legal? I mean, it's wonderful and I love it, but I just can't believe it! I was so happy. Now, if after reading this you absolutely cannot WAIT to get to Aldi, well, it's currently closed because it's 10:30, but it'll be open tomorrow. Aldi is a no-frills store, which I am a fan of, so don't forget your quarter to unlock and "rent" the cart while you shop (but you lock it back up and get your quarter back! Awesome!)....and, bring your own bags, like the reusable ones, because then you will have to pay 10 cents or so for Aldi ones. UNLESS...you use one of their empty food boxes from the shelf, then you just pack your groceries in there and load in your car! It sounds simple, and it is. Go out and experience ALDI!!! (You'll still want to hit up Kroger or Marsh for your Diet Pepsi though)
that is a good deal! dang, i need to go there more often. I always forget b/c it's not on the way. So glad you got your "LIL LIP BALM" :))))