Friday, April 30, 2010

Now Hiring: Booty Shaker to Advertise Pizza

Ok, so...driving home from work, I noticed quite the little (or big) dance party going on in front of a strip mall. The dance party was a one-man show, and the said dancer was wearing a huge Little Caesar's sign while standing--I'm sorry, DANCING--on the corner of a very busy intersection. Dancing man HAD to have been hired for his moves because he totally had some good ones, my favorite being the PELVIC THRUST. Yes, this LC Dancer may have had the strongest pelvis to thrust that sign high into the air..strongest I've ever seen (which really doesn't need to be all that strong since I haven't seen a ton). LCD (let's just shorten his name to LCD for Little Caesar's Dancer) had on his ipod or mp3 player, and was JAMMING, I tell ya. So, that brings me to this thought to ponder...

"Does Little Caesar's have a position that states something along the lines of 'Now Hiring an extreme dancer for the corner in front of the store to wear our sign and wear a path of dead grass and dirt into the healthy green section of grass. Must load ipod with rad jams and be ready to dance for hours. Inquire within."

1 comment:

  1. laughing out loud. Keep these posts coming cause I know it hasn't been a week since you have seen something crazy! :)
