Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do you believe in the 'F' word? (note: there are many notes)

Ok, so not THE 'F' word we all thought of as soon as we read the title, however, I DO frequently use that word in my everyday conversations. I'm talking about F-A-T-E. Do you believe in Fate? Here's my dilemma...I'm a gemini, so this is probably why I am about to explain the strange stance I have on the fate issue. (note: geminis are twins and see both sides of situations and have a hard time making a decision since they "sit the fence" a lot.)

Fate. Well, to me, I have always believed that everything DEFINITELY happens for a reason, reason being known to God and only God, and possibly me one day, IF I ever solve the mystery. I'm very into puzzles. I want to solve mind puzzles and challenge my brain all the time. (note: Just so you know, I've done IQ tests online and I'm by far a genius. Just sayin...because everything on the internet is TRUE and would never LIE to me.) So, being a genius and all, I really like to figure out whatever is thrown at me; God likes to throw all kinds of curve balls, and God....I HAVE NEVER BEEN A CATCHER IN MY SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL YEARS, but I did play a mean second base and swept UP that field! ;) (But now I coach....I remember a quote "those who can't play, coach." Ouch!) Wow, big tangent, back to the issue at hand: FATE.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, yes, I believe in God having a plan for me and when I quit trying to guide my life, I will fall into the plan and it will all work out. BUT, and this is a big BUT (not a big BUTT), what if part of my "plan" (God's plan) is the whole mystery mind game to get TO my plan? Hmm...deep, huh? I mean, really, what if God is giving me exactly what I want and saying "Here, child, take another mind game today, because I'm not ready to have you figure out your plan yet. God bless." I know God is patient, God is kind, God shall not want..oh wait, that is LOVE! God.....Love....same difference. (note: Which brings me to another small thing..."same difference"? What in the?! I hate that saying. It's the same yet different, and blah blah..it's dumb, period.) Anyway, God doesn't play games, and if he does, they aren't referred to as "games". Rather, lessons, I'd like to believe. So then, riddle me this....

If everything IS planned out for me, then does it matter what I do today? I mean, heck, if my plan is to get married to a great man and have four kids (please not four), then why am I out dating and meeting guys? Does it matter that I'm even putting an effort in this if God has it all figured out for me? It's like, I could just sit at home and be lazy and not try at ANYTHING because "God's got it figured out for me already...my plan is already made!" And no, I don't feel this is true but I definitely see a lot of truth in the statement. Because if I had never started painting, I would have never started making money and started a business of it! If I had sat at home and not painted, paintings (done BY ME) would have never fallen into my lap and brought me a profit. So I get really confused and it's an answer I can never get. I can ask a priest/minister, but they will tell me THEIR belief...they didn't know God in His day and hear and see the answer I seek with their own eyes, so it's all just a thought and belief in my head.

Frustrating....Dang. But, either way, I believe in fate because it's a comfort to believe God DOES have a plan for me and as long as I keep snooping around, I'm liable to sniff out my path and get on with God's plan. So, do I believe in the 'F' word? Yep. Unless I come across an IQ test online (because, remember, they DO NOT lie), that tells me differently.


  1. You have to have FAITH. God does have plans for us. Think back to heartbreaks of your life. Arent you grateful for them? Didnt they lead you closer to who you are today? Our life is a like maze, God puts in road blocks if we dont go the right way. But, you have to take time to listen to Him. I dont know you well enough,only thru Awag, but going to church, praying often, taking time for God. He will speak directly to you. Instead of you having to listen to a priest or minster. You can get it from the big guy himself. It means a lot that you are questioning His plan. Its only going to make you stronger in your faith. BTW, God gave you your talent, so give thanks to God for that talent. It was done by him...not really by you.

  2. I completely have FAITH. There's no question of that, but it's FATE (in terms of "love") that I tend to go back and forth with. Every ounce of me believes in God, I got to church, and I pray every night and then during the day, too. I have no doubt that He gave me my talent, I just start to think aloud (by blog) and want insight from others. This post actually sparked an awesome conversation with my dad and I yesterday, and that is awesome!
